Stakeholder Events

Upcoming Events

Drop-in hours with relocation team are ongoing. Please reach out to your property manager for more information.
  • Daytime office hours to speak with the RHA Real Estate Development Team and Partners.  TBD –  More details to come soon!

The Raleigh Housing Authority has approved its Relocation plan for Heritage Park. 

This plan can be found online here and both electronic and paper copies can be provided upon request.

Past Events

  • Heritage Park Resident Meeting – January 11, 2024. Meeting for residents to be held in the Heritage Park Community Room. Representatives from RHA Housing Management, Maintenance, Communications and Real Estate Development were available for questions and discussion.

2023 Meetings

  • November 14 – Residents and community members were invited to meet with the Development and Planning Team to share additional feedback on what they would like to see at Heritage Park. More info here.
  • October 25, 26 – Service providers, educational representatives and other community members met with the Development and Planning Team in a focus group setting to discuss feedback from targeted stakeholders.
  • September 20 – Residents, RHA staff and community members met with the Development and Planning Team on site at Heritage Park to share feedback on what they would like to see in a redeveloped neighborhood. CEO Address at Development Planning Meeting 9/20/2023
  • June 28 – Residents and community members were invited to meet with the Development and Planning Team for an initial meeting to discuss the planned redevelopment.
  • June 15 – Residents met with RHA staff and the Development and Planning Team on site at Heritage Park to introduce the plans for redevelopment and answer questions. CEO Address to Heritage Park Residents 6/15/2023

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Have more questions? Visit our Heritage Park FAQ page here for more information and questions that were answered during workshop meetings.
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